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Introducing our 5 ETB Heros, learners and staff. Hear about how their ETB changed their lives

7 videos found
Jack-Frances thumbnail image
‘My ETB is supporting students’. ETB Hero Jack McFadden and ETB teacher Frances Shannon from …
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‘My ETB gives me opportunities’. ETB Hero MĂ¡ire Treasa NĂ­ Dhubhghaill and our ETB learner FĂ© NĂ­ …
Michael Farrell KCETB
‘My ETB is education’. ETB Hero Michael Farrell and former ETB learner Alauddin Mohammad …
Ray-Laura video thumbnail
My ETB made me into a journalist’. ETB Hero Ray Kennedy and former ETB learner Laura Byrne from …
Tolu-Jamie Thumbmnail
‘My ETB is freedom to express’. ETB Hero TolĂ¼ Makay and ETB learner Jamie Larkin from Tullamore …