#ETBWEEK2025 is a week-long celebration of staff and learners across Ireland’s 16 Education and Training Boards, showcasing the education and training ETBs provide to learners of all ages in their local communities: from Community National Schools and Community Colleges to Further Education & Training and Youth Services. We’re delighted to be hosting the award-winning ETB Excellence Awards on the 27th of March in Croke Park. More info here: #ETBWEEK
Click on your Local ETB here
What does your ETB mean to you?
Key events during ETB WEEK include:
- ETB Excellence Awards recognising excellence, innovation and inclusion across all areas of education, training and youth services;
- ETB All Stars talent competition;
- Launch of landmark publication about Ireland’s Education & Training Boards;
- Muintearas’25: A Celebration of Inclusion in Irish-medium ETB schools;
- Events across ETBs for learners and staff; and
- Campaign to promote ETBs across national, local and social media
The ETB Sector at a Glance
For more information about #ETBWEEK, see this link.