On the 9th of July 2021, the ETBI FET Online Launch Event was held. The invitation for the event was circulated through the ETBI website, social media and the DFET Forum, OSD Forum and Schools Forum. The event was recorded and can be viewed here.
Make sure to follow ETBI on Twitter to keep up to date with future events.
The Vision for Tertiary Education sets out a strategic trajectory for a tertiary system with learners as its primary focus. The ETB sector outlines its approach, including deeper collaboration with the HE and other partners as well as identifying key tasks to be initiated or supported by ETBs to enable a stronger and more integrated system. Document available here
The FET College of the Future sets out how the ETB sector is engaging with the opportunities and challenges that the National FET Strategy 2020-2024 presents. The sectors approach to the developments of the FET college of the Future is outlined in this paper. Document available here