A Checklist for Guidance Councillors – Transitioning back to school
A Different Approach for a Different Brain – Guiding Students with Asperger’s Syndrome towards Achievable Goals – English
A Different Approach for a Different Brain – Guiding Students with Asperger’s Syndrome towards Achievable Goals – Gaeilge
A Guide to Law for Post Primary School Students – English
A Guide to Law for Post Primary School Students – Gaeilge
Action-Oriented Hope-Centered Career Development
A Guide to Law for Post Primary School Students – English
A Guide to Law for Post Primary School Students – Gaeilge
Alternative visions of employability-the role of critical pedagogy – English
Alternative visions of employability-the role of critical pedagogy – Gaeilge
An ABC of digitalised Guidance & links with pedagogy
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An introduction to Technology Enhanced Guidance
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Anger Management in the Classroom – English
Anger Management in the Classroom – Gaeilge
Anxiety and Stress
Applying For Jobs
Applying to Higher Education from Further Education
Applying to Higher Education Q&A
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Applying to UK and other European Colleges
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Bereavement-How Guidance Counsellors Can Support The Grieving StudentEnglish
Bereavement-How Guidance Counsellors Can Support The Grieving Student – Gaeilge
Best Practice, Ethical and Legal Considerations in Psychometric Testing for Guidance Counsellors – English
Best Practice, Ethical and Legal Considerations in Psychometric Testing for Guidance Counsellors – Gaeilge
Career Guidance Policy and Practice in the Pandemic
Career Matters-Evidence and Implications for Gender and Equality
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Career Sailboat Model as a tool for the Guidance Counsellor – English
Career Sailboat Model as a tool for the Guidance Counsellor – Gaeilge
Countering Bully_Victim Problems in Schools-Supporting the Guidance Counsellor – English
Countering Bully_Victim Problems in Schools-Supporting the Guidance Counsellor – Gaeilge
Data protection for the Guidance Counsellor (GDPR) – English
Data protection for the Guidance Counsellor (GDPR) – Gaeilge
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Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas in Guidance Counselling – English
Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas in Guidance Counselling – Gaeilge
Dear Me in August 2021
Developing a Mindful Approach in Guidance Counselling-Care for Self and Others – Assessment Policy -English
Developing a Mindful Approach in Guidance Counselling-Care for Self and Others – Assessment Policy – Gaeilge
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Developing a Policy on Assessment in Post Primary Schools – English Sample
Developing a Policy on Assessment in Post Primary Schools – Gaeilge Sample
DFHERIS Adult Literacy For Life 10 Year Strategy in FET Guidance Practice
Digitalised Guidance Planning (template) – English
Digitalised Guidance Planning (template) – Gaeilge
Dyslexia- How the Guidance Counsellor can support the student with dyslexia – English
Dyslexia- How the Guidance Counsellor can support the student with dyslexia – Gaeilge
Record Templates for Guidance Counselling One-to-One Meetings with Students-EDCareers-English
Record Templates for Guidance Counselling One-to-One Meetings with Students-EDCareers-Gaeilge
Record Templates for Guidance Counselling One-to-One Meetings with Students-PersonalGC-English
Record Templates for Guidance Counselling One-to-One Meetings with Students-PersonalGC-Gaeilge
Resilience, Character Building and Identity
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Self-Care and Mental Health issues for Adult Education Guidance Services
Self-Care for the Guidance Counsellor
Self-Care-Some Prescriptions for Calm Living – English
Self-Care-Some Prescriptions for Calm Living – Gaeilge
Setting the Scene-lights camera action – an ABC of online Guidance delivery – English
Setting the Scene-lights camera action – an ABC of online Guidance delivery – Gaeilge
Setting up a Network of Support
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Setting up a Network of Support (resource) – Poster
Setting up a Network of Support (resource) – Poster Editable
Setting up a Network of Support Resource List – English
Setting up a Network of Support Resource List – Gaeilge
Social inclusion, Challenges and Opportunities
Striving for social justice-towards emancipatory guidance practices
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Support for Guidance Counsellors and Schools around Student Disclosures of Suicide and or Self Harm
Supporting and Including Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children in Education
Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Students-The role of Guidance Counsellors – English
Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Students-The role of Guidance Counsellors – Gaeilge
Supporting Refugee Students Transition to and Progress in Post-primary School – Checklist
Supporting Refugee Students Transition to and Progress in Post-primary School
Supporting Refugees from Ukraine
Supports for Students Returning to School – English
Supports for Students Returning to School – Gaeilge
Taking Stock-Questionnaire for 6th Year students – English
Taking Stock-Questionnaire for 6th Year students – Gaeilge
Telephone and Remote Platform Approaches to Career Development-Webinar
Template for Guidance Plan-Applying to Higher Education from Further Education
Template for Guidance Plan-Transitions Pathways and Opportunities
Towards a more playful and politicised practice of guidance counselling – English
Towards a more playful and politicised practice of guidance counselling – Gaeilge
Towards European Standards for Monitoring and Evaluation for Lifelong Guidance System and Services Vol. 1