ETBI Host Euroguidance ‘A New Era’ Event
ETBI was delighted to host an inaugural #Euroguidance event on the 24th of October in Athlone Springs Hotel. This event…
ETBI was delighted to host an inaugural #Euroguidance event on the 24th of October in Athlone Springs Hotel. This event…
Provision Mapping, an evidence-based process to evaluate student supports, strategically cost and plan provision, allocate resources, and identify staff professional learning needs, is underway in 140 ETBs schools across the sixteen ETBs.
Provision mapping is a developmental process currently underway across 140 post primary schools in 16 ETBs that allows schools to evaluate the provisions and supports in place for students across the Continuum of Support (NEPS 2010) and to list all these the evidence-informed provisions in one summary document, which is called a provision map.
In September 2021, an initiative aimed at supporting strategic and whole-school development of inclusive and special education commenced across thirty-three ETB post primary schools. This nationwide pilot was developed initially by Mary Immaculate College in collaboration with Limerick and Clare ETB. This interim report captures feedback from participating Directors of Schools, Principals of pilot schools and Inclusion Coaches at the end of the first academic year and mid-way through the project, with a view to informing the next stage of the pilot in Autumn 2022.
Up to 500,000 students across the country will be given access to new supports through the FET Skills Box that will help raise awareness around the diverse career choices and learning routes available to them, through further education and training (FET).
ETBI hosted a series of webinars where CNS teachers were educated on GMGY!
ETBI was delighted to host an Induction day for Newly Appointed Principals & Deputy Principals in Athlone on 5th October
ETB and SEAI were delighted to host its 2nd Annual Climate Action Conference in Athlone on Thursday 5th October.
Having been put through a rigorous judging panel, Find Your People was chosen as the ETB Anthem.
Education and Training Boards Ireland welcomed more than 300 people to Cork City Hall to host its Annual Conference and explored the theme, 'The ETB of the Future