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Guidance in Further Education and Training

Information and Guidance Services in the Further Education and Training (FET) sector provide impartial careers and education information, one-to-one guidance and group guidance, which help people to make informed educational, career and life choices. FET Information and Guidance Services are provided to adults aged 18 years and over, and those over 16 who have left school early.

FET Guidance and Information services offer information and career guidance to support adults in making informed choices in relation to education, training and career opportunities.

Guidance is provided in the FET sector through various services, including

  • FET / Adult Education Guidance Services
  • Colleges of Further Education (CFEs) and PLC Programmes
  • Youthreach / CTCs
  • Training Centres
  • Adult and Community Education
  • Youth Information
  • BTEI and
  • Prison Services.

The delivery of Further Education and Training is the responsibility of the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs), funded by SOLAS (the further education and training authority).

Guidance in Further Education and Training is informed by the SOLAS ‘Future FET: Transforming Learning’ strategy document. The National Further Education and Training (FET) Strategy 2020-2024.

Impartial, professional and integrated Guidance Counselling facilitates all three ‘core pillars’ of the SOLAS Strategy, notable is SOLAS’ statement on page 54 of the Strategy:

7.4 Facilitating Lifelong Pathways: Critical to facilitating lifelong learning pathways is the pivotal role of ETBs in providing guidance on education, training, employment and careers to all within their regions. The approach to guidance is inconsistent across FET settings and provision, and this must be rectified with an integrated approach to guidance across ETBs. This should ensure that impartial guidance is available to all who seek it within the ETB region, and that the ETB positions itself to ensure that it works effectively for all FET provision and all FET learners….’