68 videos found
Tolu-Jamie Thumbmnail
‘My ETB is freedom to express’. ETB Hero TolĂ¼ Makay and ETB learner Jamie Larkin from Tullamore ...
Ray-Laura video thumbnail
My ETB made me into a journalist’. ETB Hero Ray Kennedy and former ETB learner Laura Byrne from ...
Michael Farrell KCETB
‘My ETB is education’. ETB Hero Michael Farrell and former ETB learner Alauddin Mohammad ...
Jack-Frances thumbnail image
‘My ETB is supporting students’. ETB Hero Jack McFadden and ETB teacher Frances Shannon from ...
thumbnail image
‘My ETB gives me opportunities’. ETB Hero MĂ¡ire Treasa NĂ­ Dhubhghaill and our ETB learner FĂ© NĂ­ ...
ETB Heros
The National Association of Youthreach Coordinators 29th Annual Conference
The National Association of Youthreach Coordinators 29th Annual Conference
ETB Day - Celebrating 10 years of ETBs
Celebrating 10 years since the establishment of Education and Training Boards A week-long celebration of heroes and learners in the 16 Education and Training Boards throughout Ireland, showcasing the services they provide to learners in local communities throughout the country: from community national schools to community colleges, youth, adult and further education and training.
Buswells Hotel
ETBI held an event in the Buswells hotel on the 6th of December for ETBs and Oireachtas ...
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