Guidance for Implementing Universal Design for Learning in Irish Further Education and Training

SOLAS-ETBI-AHEAD recently launched the resource ‘UDL for FET Practitioners – Guidance for Implementing Universal Design for Learning in Irish Further Education and Training’. Building on existing good inclusion practices in the FET sector, this resource showcases examples of good UDL practice and provides a vision for how practitioners can implement UDL together as part of their local and national FET communities – learning and sharing good practices as they evolve.
In bringing this resource to life, ETBI has facilitated the development of a series of 5 online interactive seminars, which aim to strengthen knowledge and understanding of UDL and offer practical insights on embedding UDL in ETB FET. The webinar series is driven by and aimed at practitioners who design and deliver FET programmes of all kinds, especially instructors and college/ centre support staff. Each webinar will include the showcasing by FET practitioners of examples of good UDL practice currently being implemented. 5 interactive online webinars will be delivered every second Friday on September 24th, October 8th, October 22nd, November 5th and November 19th from 2.30pm – 3.30pm.