Roscommon Roma - UBU Youth Service.Click to download presentation

Roscommon Roma Youth Service, Foroige, GRETB – Roma experience of education and Roma culture of leaving school at 15, the efforts to break this cycle. Going to Youthreach; and promoting third level education. This is supported by an ETB commissioned case study.

KDYS Transfer ProgrammeClick to download presentation

School Transfer Programme – KDYS Youth Information, Kerry ETBKDYS Youth Information delivers a ‘KDYS Transfer Programme’ to 6th class students across Kerry. The programme aims to support young people in their transition into secondary school. KDYS have impacted on more than 35 schools annually since 2021.

YOUTH WORK IN ACTION ETBI Youth Work Matters 2024Click to download presentation

Exam Cafe – Clare Youth Service, LCETB. How a youth information centre offers exam supports across the county to offer students a safe and stress-free environment ahead of their exams. Also assisting students to avail of support, information and guidance ahead of and during the exam period.